General information

Many accordion internet sites (small and large) have pages about a variety of different accordion subjects. No single preset site description can accurately describe these sites. We have designed Accordion-Search to enable webmasters to list the homepage plus separately list all their pages that have different subjects. You may register only the homepage if you have a one subject site or you may register as many different pages as you think best describes your accordion subject internet site.

While most search engines do not want you to make a lot of submits, Accordion-Search is the opposite. We want webmasters to have the opportunity to list each different type of page complete with a description in their own words. While it means more work for webmasters to register a site which may contain many different languages or many different subjects, we believe that if your site is worth the work to build, its worth the work of registering comprehensively. We want to empower webmasters with the flexibility to very accurately describe your site and register quality information in your own words in a format easy for all accordion enthusiasts to find.


It will help you to print out this page and have it alongside you as you fill in the submit forms.

Only submit accordion subject pages.

Firstly submit your Homepage. Then submit any other pages that are different language or different subject. When adding other pages, please be very careful to list the correct Homepage address.

Please fill out the submit form in the language of your site. If your site should be in more than one language then fill out the form once for each language. It may be that each language will also have a different homepage.

City, State and Country: You may fill in either the webmasters address or where the site is hosted.

Homepage URL: Example: The URL must be in lower case (no capitals) otherwise it might not link to your site. If your site should contain only accordion information then selecting the homepage URL might be simple. If your site also contains non accordion information, please select the most appropriate page for an accordion interested surfer to start viewing your site.

Site Title: Example: Accordion-Search

Number of Pages: Input the number of pages of your site. A page in this instance means each different URL (site name).

Keywords: Name, local town or city, larger city area or state or province, country, and up to 8 more keywords. The keyword search will operate by searching these words. Please make sure that your keywords accurately reference your site. ie Joe Smith, concertina teacher, tutor, entertainer, popular performer, Leeds, Yorkshire, England. Because the keywords are critical to the success of your submission, we have compiled a keyword help page.

Site Description: Maximum 30 words. This description will be listed alongside your site listing in the search reports. Please take great care to make sure that the words you select accurately convey to readers the information contained in your site. ie Joe Smith is a well known and popular concertina entertainer. He also teaches the concertina, at his studio is in Leeds, Yorkshire, England.

Comments to the Webmaster (not published): This comments box is where you may send information if you think it will help us to list your site more accurately. Please write in English or Italian and only use this box if there is something unusual about your site that the webmaster should be aware of that may help, to make the listing more accurate.

Your site submit will also be listed in the site and we hope you will provide a free link to and as a return courtesy.


  1. Only internet sites/pages with accordion information are accepted.
  2. You must be factual and accurate in describing your site.
  3. The site must be of a moral level fit for children.
  4. You may register as many sites/pages as you wish.
  5. Do not list mirror sites or duplicate sites of sites already listed in Accordion-Search.
  6. The information provided by web authors is accepted in good faith by Accordion-Search but may be ammended by the Webmaster if he feels it is warranted.
  7. Any sites that do not fulfill the above requirements may be deleted.
© 2025 Accordion-YellowPages. All rights reserved. To comment on these pages, e-mail the webmaster.